Why Choose this Training Course?

This intensive COPEX training course offers managers, supervisors, and business professionals a thorough understanding of Capital Markets. The course covers the full spectrum of capital market instruments, including Equity (ECM) and Debt (DCM) Capital Markets, from A to Z.

Designed for individuals across government, non-government, private, and semi-government organizations, this comprehensive program provides a solid grounding in capital markets, making it suitable for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area.

This COPEX training course will feature:

  • Sources and providers of finance
  • Portfolio theory and market efficiency hypothesis
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Weighted Average Cost Of
  • Capital (WACC)
  • Equity Capital Market (ECM) and Debt Capital Market (DCM)
  • Syndication & Distribution Mechanisms
What are the Goals?

By the end of this COPEX training course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the key users and providers of finance in the primary markets and their differing needs
  • Understand the key attributes of debt and equity from a primary market perspective, and key concepts of corporate finance such as CAPM and WACC
  • Understand the key financing characteristics of the term loan market, the bond markets and equity markets
  • Examine the importance of securities investors and basic concepts of modern portfolio theory
  • Understand the different methods of underwriting and syndication in the primary markets
Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to anyone who wants to learn about capital/financial markets, such as staff from operations, IT, legal, compliance, middle office, or HR, and regulators who work closely with various aspects of the capital markets.

This COPEX training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Current and potential Managers and business Leaders at all levels
  • Those responsible for developing and leading strategic financial operations
  • Team Leaders in the public or private sector
  • Staff Members responsible for financial controls
  • Non-finance Managers with financial responsibilities
How will this Training Course be Presented?

This COPEX training course will utilize a variety of proven learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.  This includes a presentation in a highly inter-active manner, group activities along with appropriate case studies and video documentaries that will highlight the major teaching features.

Course Outline
Day One: Introduction to Finance and Financial Markets
  • The Users of Finance
  • The Role of Capital Markets
  • The Role of Investment banks
  • Money Markets vs. Capital Markets
  • Primary markets versus. Secondary markets
  • Financing choices: Debt, equity & retained earnings
 Day Two: Founding Theories of Capital Markets
  • Why Invest? Risk vs. Return
  • The portfolio theory and efficient market Hypothesis
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
  • The Efficient Frontier
  • Types of investors and risk aversion
  Day Three: Equity Issuance - ECM
  • Characteristics of Equity
  • Types of Equity
  • Pricing models: Dividend Discount Model (DDM), Discount Cash Flow Model (DCF)
  • Types of issuance: IPOs - Primary offerings and Secondary offerings
  • Stock Market Types: Advantages and disadvantages
Day Four: Debt Issuance - DCM
  • Characteristics of Bonds
  • Bonds' pricing model
  • Borrower Requirements and types of Issuance
  • Fixed Rate or Floating Rate FRNs
  • Medium Term Notes
  • High Yield market
 Day Five:  Syndication, Distribution and Regulation
  • Why syndicate?
  • Understanding Underwriting
  • Distribution & Pricing Mechanisms
  • Compliance considerations
  • Due Diligence & Verification
  • Key Regulations
The Certificate
  • COPEX Certificate of Attendance will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course
The A to Z of Equity (ECM)  and Debt (DCM) Capital Markets
  • Duration:5 days
  • Format:Classroom
  • Language: English
  • Certificate:Yes
23-27 Dec 2024
Fee: $5,950
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31 Mar-04 Apr 2025
Fee: $5,950
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23-27 Jun 2025
Fee: $5,950
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22-26 Dec 2025
Fee: $5,950
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